名称 | 长度 | 描述 | ||
EGFP | 720 bp | Enhanced green fluorescent protein; codon optimized based on a variant of wild type GFP from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
NLS-EGFP | 771 bp | EGFP with nuclear localization signal on both ends | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mGreenLantern | 720 bp | Improved variant of GFP generated by mutagenesis for enhanced brightness and folding; also known as mGL | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
sfGFP | 717 bp | Superfolder green fluorescent protein from Aequorea victoria; GFP variant S30R, Y39N, N105T, Y145F, I171V and A206V | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
EmGFP | 720 bp | Emerald green fluorescent protein; variant of EGFP generated by mutagenesis | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
TurboGFP | 684 bp | Also known as maxGFP; green fluorescent protein from maxillopoda | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
hrGFP | 720 bp | Humanized recombinant green fluorescent protein derived from Renilla reniformis | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
d2EGFP | 846 bp | Destabilized EGFP due to addition of PEST sequence from mouse Odc1 gene | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
ZsGreen1 | 696 bp | Bright green fluorescent protein derived from a Zoanthus sp. reef coral | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mNeonGreen | 711 bp | Yellow-green fluorescent protein derived from a tetrameric fluorescent protein from the cephalochordate Branchiostoma lanceolatum | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Venus | 720 bp | Variant of yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) generated by mutagenesis; YFP is itself a variant of EGFP generated by mutagenesis | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
EYFP | 720 bp | Enhanced yellow fluorescent protein, GFP variant S65G/V68LS72A/T203Y | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
YPet | 720 bp | Derived by combining mutations from Venus and YFP3; all these variants trace their origins to EGFP | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Cerulean | 720 bp | Improved ECFP | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
CyPet | 720 bp | Variant of cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) generated by mutagenesis; CFP is itself a variant of EGFP generated by mutagenesis | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
AmCyan | 690 bp | Cyan fluorescent protein variant derived from Anemonia majano with N34S and K68M mutations | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
EBFP | 720 bp | Blue variant of EGFP generated by mutagenesis | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
TagBFP | 702 bp | Also known as mTagBFP; blue variant of TagRFP generated by mutagenesis | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
TagBFP2 | 702 bp | Also known as mTagBFP2; improved variant of TagBFP generated by I174A mutation | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
NLS-TagBFP2 | 753 bp | TagBFP2 with nuclear localization signals on both ends | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Electra1 | 714 bp | Blue variant of mRuby3 generated by site-directed mutagenesis | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
dTomato | 705 bp | Dimeric variant of the Discosoma sp. red fluorescent protein (DsRed) generated by mutagenesis | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
tdTomato | 1431 bp | Tandem dTomato generated by the fusion of two copies dTomato. | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
NLS-tdTomato | 1482 bp | tdTomato with nuclear localization signals on both ends | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
DsRed_Express2 | 678 bp | Fast maturing variant of the Discosoma sp. red fluorescent protein (DsRed) generated by mutagenesis | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
TurboRFP | 696 bp | Derived from the sea anemone Entacmaea quadricolor | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mRFP1 | 678 bp | Monomeric red fluorescent protein 1; variant of DsRed generated by mutagenesis | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mCherry | 711 bp | Variant of mRFP1 generated by mutagenesis | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
NLS-mCherry | 762 bp | mCherry with nuclear localization signals on both ends | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mScarlet3 | 690 bp | Variant of mScarlet generated by site-directed and random mutagenesis for enhanced brightness and maturation speed | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mApple | 711 bp | Photostable monomeric derivative of DsRed | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mKate2 | 699 bp | Katushka2 far-red fluorescent protein | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
miRFP670nano | 444 bp | Near-infrared fluorescent protein evolved from cyanobacteriochrome photoreceptor NpR3784 | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
名称 | 长度 | 描述 | ||
pHluorin2 | 720 bp | Enhanced, ratiometric, pH-sensitive green florescent protein | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Superecliptic-pHluorin | 717 bp | Red-shifted ecliptic pHluorin that is excited strongly by blue light at neutral pH but minimal fluorescence at acidic pH | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mt-mKeima | 894 bp | Monomeric dual-excitation Keima protein derived from stony coral Montipora by numerous cycles of semi-random mutagenesis; fused with a tandem repeat of mitochondria-targeting sequences from COX VIII | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
名称 | 长度 | 描述 | ||
Luciferase | 1653 bp | Firefly luciferase | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Luc2 | 1653 bp | Humanized firefly luciferase | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
MetLuc | 660 bp | Metridia luciferase | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Rluc | 936 bp | Renilla luciferase | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
hRluc | 936 bp | Humanized renilla luciferase | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Nluc | 516 bp | Nano Luciferase | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Aequorin | 591 bp | Calcium-activated photoprotein isolated from the hydromedusan Aequorea victoria | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
名称 | 长度 | 描述 | ||
LacZ | 3051 bp | E. coli beta-galactosidase | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
SEAP | 1560 bp | Human secreted embryonic alkaline phosphatase | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
名称 | 长度 | 描述 | ||
Neo | 795 bp | Neomycin resistance gene | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Puro | 600 bp | Puromycin resistance gene | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Hygro | 1026 bp | Hygromycin resistance gene | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Bsd | 399 bp | Blasticidin resistance gene | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Bleo | 375 bp | Bleomycin resistance gene | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
名称 | 长度 | 描述 | ||
FKBP/Casp8 | 1227 bp | FK506-binding protein 12 (with F36V mutation) fused with human caspase-8 protein deleted for 1-215 AA and linked to the N-myristoylation signal from Src kinase | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
iCasp9 | 1242 bp | FK506-binding protein 12 (with F36V mutation) fused with human caspase-9 protein deleted for 1-134 AA and linked to a HA tag | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
deltaTK | 996 bp | Truncated thymidine kinase that converts ganciclovir (GCV) into a toxic metabolite that inhibits DNA synthesis | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
CodA | 1284 bp | E.coli cytosine deaminase that catalyzes 5-fluorocytosine into toxic 5-fluorouracil | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
DTA | 657 bp | Diphtheria toxin A | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
DTR | 627 bp | Simian diphtheria toxin receptor | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
名称 | 长度 | 描述 | ||
MS2/P65/HSF1 | 1422 bp | Fusion protein of MS2 bacteriophage coat protein, NF-kappaB trans-activating subunit p65 and human heat-shock factor 1 activation domain | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
CymR | 723 bp | CymR repressor | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
CymR_NLS | 774 bp | CymR repressor with nuclear localization signal on both ends | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
VP16 | 240 bp | VP16 transcriptional activator domain encoded by HSV | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
VP64 | 171 bp | Tetrameric repeat of the minimal activation domain of VP16 | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
scFv(GCN4)-sfGFP-GB1-VP64 | 2031 bp | Anti-GCN4 single chain variable fragment (scFv) antibody fused to superfolder-GFP (sfGFP) with a GB1 solubility tag and VP64 transcriptional activator domain | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
KRAB | 219 bp | Krüppel-associated box domain from human gene ZNF10 | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
名称 | 长度 | 描述 | ||
hM3D(Gq) | 1791 bp | A modified form of human Gq-coupled M3 muscarinic receptor, belonging to a class of chemogenetic receptors called designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADD) | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
hM4D(Gi) | 1458 bp | A modified form of human Gi-coupled M4 muscarinic receptor, belonging to a class of chemogenetic receptors called designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADD) | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
名称 | 长度 | 描述 | ||
tTA | 1008 bp | Tetracycline transactivator | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
tTA2 | 747 bp | Tetracycline transactivator (2nd generation) | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
rtTA | 747 bp | Reverse tetracycline responsive transcriptional activator M2 (2nd generation) | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
tTS | 849 bp | Tetracycline transcriptional silencer | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
tTS/rtTA | 1656 bp | tTS and rtTA_M2 linked by T2A | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Tet3G | 747 bp | 3rd generation tet regulatory protein | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
名称 | 长度 | 描述 | ||
ChR2 | 933 bp | Human codon-optimized channelrhodopsin-2 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a blue light-gated, cation-selective transmembrane channel protein. It rapidly undergoes conformational change upon absorbing photons to open channel permeable to cations (Na+, K+, H+, Ca2+, etc.) | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
ChR2/mCherry | 1647 bp | ChR2 fused with mCherry by GCGGCCGCC | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
ChR2/EYFP | 1662 bp | ChR2 fused with EYFP by GCGGCCGCC | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
ChR2(H134R) | 933 bp | A gain-of-function mutant (H134R) of human codon-optimized channelrhodopsin-2 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
ChR2(H134R)/mCherry | 1647 bp | ChR2(H134R) fused with mCherry by GCGGCCGCC | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
ChR2(H134R)/EYFP | 1662 bp | ChR2(H134R) fused with EYFP by GCGGCCGCC | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
eNpHR2.0/EYFP | 1671 bp | Enhanced Halorhodopsin from Natronomonas pharaonis (NpHR) which is fused with EYFP. NpHR is a fast light-activated electrogenic Cl- pump. There is an nAChR-derived signal peptide tagged to the N-terminal of NpHR, and a Kir2.1-derived ER export signal peptide tagged to the C-terminal of EYFP to facilitate cell surface expression of NpHR | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
eNpHR3.0/EYFP | 1680 bp | Third generation of Halorhodopsin from Natronomonas pharaonis (NpHR) which is fused with EYFP. NpHR is a fast light-activated electrogenic Cl- pump. There is an nAChR-derived signal peptide tagged to the N-terminal of EYFP, and a Kir2.1-derived ER export signal peptide tagged to the C-terminal of EYFP to facilitate cell surface expression of NpHR | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
eNpHR3.0/mCherry | 1671 bp | Third generation of Halorhodopsin from Natronomonas pharaonis (NpHR) which is fused with mCherry. NpHR is a fast light-activated electrogenic Cl- pump. There is an nAChR-derived signal peptide tagged to the N-terminal of mCherry, and a Kir2.1-derived ER export signal peptide tagged to the C-terminal of mCherry to facilitate cell surface expression of NpHR | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
名称 | 长度 | 描述 | ||
GCaMP6s | 1353 bp | Variant of green fluorescent calcium indicator GCaMP6 with slow kinetics, ultrasensitive sensor of free calcium | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
GCaMP6m | 1353 bp | Variant of green fluorescent calcium indicator GCaMP6 with medium kinetics, ultrasensitive sensor of free calcium | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
GCaMP6f | 1353 bp | Variant of green fluorescent calcium indicator GCaMP6 with fast kinetics, ultrasensitive sensor of free calcium | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
jGCaMP7s | 1353 bp | Variant of the green fluorescent protein-based calcium indicator GCaMP7 with slow kinetics; ultrasensitive sensor of free calcium | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
jGCaMP7f | 1353 bp | Variant of the green fluorescent protein-based calcium indicator GCaMP7 with fast kinetics; ultrasensitive sensor of free calcium | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
jGCaMP7b | 1353 bp | Variant of the green fluorescent protein-based calcium indicator GCaMP7 with brighter baseline fluorescence; ultrasensitive sensor of free calcium | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
jGCaMP7c | 1353 bp | Variant of the green fluorescent protein-based calcium indicator GCaMP7 which offers high contrast with low baseline fluorescence; ultrasensitive sensor of free calcium | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
jGCaMP8s | 1269 bp | Variant of the green fluorescent protein-based calcium indicator GCaMP8 with the highest sensitivity, suitable for in vivo imaging | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
jGCaMP8m | 1269 bp | Variant of the green fluorescent protein-based calcium indicator GCaMP8 with medium sensitivity and kinetics, suitable for in vivo imaging | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
jGCaMP8f | 1269 bp | Variant of the green fluorescent protein-based calcium indicator GCaMP8 with the fastest kinetics and lower sensitivity, suitable for in vivo imaging | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
名称 | 长度 | 描述 | ||
Cre | 1056 bp | Cyclization recombinase with SV40 nuclear localization signal | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
InCre | 1119 bp | Cre with SV40 T-antigen intron inserted in the ORF | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Flpo | 1299 bp | Mouse codon-optimized version of Flpe recombinase with SV40 nuclear localization signal | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
InFlpo | 1365 bp | Flpo with SV40 T-antigen intron inserted in the ORF | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Dre | 1050 bp | Dre Recombinase | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
InDre | 1116 bp | Dre with SV40 T-antigen intron inserted in the ORF | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
PBase | 1785 bp | Native piggyBac transposase from Trichoplusia ni | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
hyPBase | 1785 bp | Hyperactive version of piggyBac transposase (PBase) created by mutagenesis | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
hyPBase(R372A/K375A/D450N) | 1785 bp | Excision competent/integration defective piggyBac transposase with R372A, K375A and D450N mutations | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Tol2 | 1950 bp | Transposase encoded from Tol2 transposon, a member of hAT transposable element family found in medaka fish genome | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
SB100X | 1023 bp | Hyperactive variant of Sleeping Beauty transposase | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
名称 | 长度 | 描述 | ||
CreERT2 | 1983 bp | Cyclization recombinase fused with ERT2 | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
DD-Cre | 1533 bp | Destabilized cyclization recombinase | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
名称 | 长度 | 描述 | ||
hCas9 | 4272 bp | Human codon-optimized CRISPR associated protein 9 from Streptococcus pyogenes (with codon-optimized 3xFLAG tag and nuclear localization signal), also known as SpCas9 | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Cas9(D10A) | 4200 bp | Human codon-optimized CRISPR associated protein 9 with D10A mutation, HA tag and nuclear localization signal | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
dCas9 | 4107 bp | Catalytically inactive Cas9, a variant of Cas9 bearing both D10A and H840A mutations | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
dCas9/VP64 | 4395 bp | dCas9 fused with a VP64 acidic transactivation domain | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
dCas9/VPR | 5799 bp | dCas9 fused with a tripartite VP64-p65-Rta (VPR) transactivation domain | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
dCas9/KRAB | 4443 bp | dCas9 fused with a KRAB transcriptional silencing domain | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
dCas9/KRAB/MeCP2 | 5316 bp | dCas9 fused with a carboxy terminal bipartite repressor domain, KRAB-MeCP2 | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
dCas9-10xGCN4_v4 | 5151 bp | dCas9 with SV40 large T-antigen nuclear localization signals (nls) at both its amino and carboxyl termini, fused to an optimized GCN4 antibody-peptide pair (containing v4 version of the GCN4 peptide array with 10 copies of the peptide binding site, also know as SunTag10x_v4) | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
SpCas9-HF1 | 4215 bp | High-fidelity variant of SpCas9 | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
eSpCas9 | 4272 bp | Enhanced specificity SpCas9 variant | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
BE3 | 5133 bp | rAPOBEC–XTEN–Cas9_D10A–UGI (rat cytidine deaminase enzyme fused with Cas9_D10A and uracil DNA glycosylase inhibitor via an XTEN linker) | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
AsCpf1 | 4107 bp | Also known as Cpf1; single RNA-guided endonuclease of a class 2 CRISPR-Cas system from Acidaminococcus, human codon-optimized, and linked to an HA tag and nuclear localization signal | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Cas9/mSA | 4818 bp | hCas9 fused with monomeric streptavidin | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
SaCas9 | 3285 bp | Staphylococcus aureus CRISPR associated protein 9 with HA tag and nuclear localization signal | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
CjCas9 | 3012 bp | A small Cas9 orthologue derived from Campylobacter jejuni with a carboxy terminal nuclear localization signal and HA tag | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
名称 | 长度 | 描述 | ||
SV40-T | 2127 bp | Simian virus 40 large T antigen | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
hHRAS | 513 bp | Homo sapiens Ras proto-oncogene. Belongs to the Ras family of small GTPases, whose members are related to the transforming genes of mammalian sarcoma retroviruses | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
hTERT | 3399 bp | Homo sapiens telomerase reverse transcriptase gene. Plays an improtant role in cellular senescence, and deregulation of telomerase expression in somatic cells may be involved in oncogenesis | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
Ad5E1A | 732 bp | Human adenovirus type 5 E1A protein gene | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
HPV16E6 | 477 bp | Human papillomavirus type 16 transforming protein E6 gene | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
HPV16E7 | 297 bp | Human papillomavirus type 16 transforming protein E7 gene | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
hTP53(V143A) | 1182 bp | Homo sapiens tumor suppressor p53 gene with a V143A mutation | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
名称 | 长度 | 描述 | ||
hMYC | 1365 bp | Homo sapiens c-myc proto-oncogene. Belongs to myelocytomatosis (Myc) family of transcription factors. Plays a role in cell cycle procession, apotosis and cellular transformation | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
hOct4 | 1083 bp | Homo sapiens Oct-4 gene. Encodes a transcription factor containing a POU homeodomain that plays a key role in embryonic development and stem cell pluripotency. Aberrant expression in adult tissues is associated with tumorigenesis. | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
hSox2 | 954 bp | Homo sapiens transcription factor SOX-2 gene. Belongs to the SRY-related HMG-box (SOX) family of transcription factors, which is involved in the regulation of embryonic development and in the determination of cell fate | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mMyc | 1365 bp | Mus musculus myc proto-oncogene. Belongs to myelocytomatosis (Myc) family of transcription factors. Plays a role in cell cycle procession, apotosis and cellular transformation | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mOct4 | 1059 bp | Mus musculus Oct-4 gene. Encodes a transcription factor containing a POU homeodomain that plays a key role in embryonic development and stem cell pluripotency. | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mSox2 | 960 bp | Mus musculus transcription factor SOX-2 gene. Belongs to the SRY-related HMG-box (SOX) family of transcription factors, which is involved in the regulation of embryonic development and in the determination of cell fate | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
hNanog | 918 bp | Homo sapiens nanog homeobox gene. Encodes a DNA-binding homeobox-family transcription factor involved in embryonic stem (ES) cell proliferation, renewal, and pluripotency. | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mNanog | 918 bp | Mus musculus nanog homeobox gene. Encodes a DNA-binding homeobox-family transcription factor involved in embryonic stem (ES) cell proliferation, renewal, and pluripotency. | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
hKlf4 | 1440 bp | Homo sapiens Kruppel-like factor 4 (Klf4) gene. Belongs to the relatively large family of SP1-like transcription factors and is involved in the regulation of proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and somatic cell reprogramming. | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mKlf4 | 1452 bp | Mouse Kruppel-like factor (Klf4) gene. Belongs to the relatively large family of SP1-like transcription factors and is involved in the regulation of proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and somatic cell reprogramming. | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
hLin28 | 630 bp | Human lin-28 homolog A gene. Encodes a LIN-28 family RNA-binding protein that acts as a posttranscriptional regulator of genes involved in development, self-renewal of embryonic stem cells and metabolism. Overexpressed in human embryonic stem cells, primary human tumors and human cancer cell lines. | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mLin28 | 630 bp | Mouse lin-28 homolog A gene. Encodes a LIN-28 family RNA-binding protein that acts as a posttranscriptional regulator of genes involved in development, self-renewal of embryonic stem cells and metabolism. Highly expressed in mouse embryonic stem cells and during early embryogenesis. | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
hEsrrb | 1527 bp | Human estrogen-related-receptor β gene. Encodes a member of the nuclear orphan receptor family that is involved in early development, pluripotency and reprogramming. | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mEsrrb | 1365 bp | Mouse estrogen-related-receptor β gene. Encodes a member of the nuclear orphan receptor family that is involved in early development, pluripotency and reprogramming. | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mOSKM | 5064 bp | A combination of four reprogramming factor genes (mouse Oct3/4, Sox2, Klf4 and c‐Myc) linked by three 2A “self-cleaving” peptides. Involved in reprogramming, or generation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. Their expression commonly increases in metastatic cancers. | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
hOSKM | 5070 bp | A combination of four reprogramming factor genes (human Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c‐Myc) linked by three 2A “self-cleaving” peptides. Involved in reprogramming, or generation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. Their expression commonly increases in metastatic cancers. | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
名称 | 长度 | 描述 | ||
EGFP/Neo | 1512 bp | EGFP fused with Neo | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
EGFP:T2A:Puro | 1380 bp | EGFP and Puro linked by T2A | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
EGFP:T2A:Hygro | 1806 bp | EGFP and Hygro linked by T2A | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
EGFP:T2A:Bsd | 1179 bp | EGFP and Bsd linked by T2A | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
EGFP:T2A:Bleo | 1155 bp | EGFP and Bleo linked by T2A | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mCherry/Neo | 1503 bp | mCherry fused with Neo | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mCherry:T2A:Puro | 1371 bp | mCherry and Puro linked by T2A | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mCherry:T2A:Hygro | 1797 bp | mCherry and Hygro linked by T2A | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mCherry:T2A:Bsd | 1170 bp | mCherry and Bsd linked by T2A | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
mCherry:T2A:Bleo | 1146 bp | mCherry and Bleo linked by T2A | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
TagBFP2/Neo | 1494 bp | TagBFP2 fused with Neo | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
TagBFP2:T2A:Puro | 1362 bp | TagBFP2 and Puro linked by T2A | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
TagBFP2:T2A:Hygro | 1788 bp | TagBFP2 and Hygro linked by T2A | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
TagBFP2:T2A:Bsd | 1161 bp | TagBFP2 and Bsd linked by T2A | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |
TagBFP2:T2A:Bleo | 1137 bp | TagBFP2 and Bleo linked by T2A | 指南 | 查看相关载体 |